  • Do not judge a tracking technology by its cover

Don’t Judge a Tracking Technology by its Cover


Don’t judge a book by its cover we are told, but I’ll admit that I’ve bought more than one volume based on its cover art. Those books haven’t always provided a life-changing literary experience, but what the heck? It was only a $10 gamble. An investment in location intelligence to underpin a process digitization strategy is somewhat more than a $10 proposition and selecting the right tracking technology deserves more thought than a perusal

Don’t Judge a Tracking Technology by its Cover2024-03-26T16:26:29+00:00
  • Contact Tracing - PR News

From zero-code to contact-tracing in under a week


Have you ever wondered where all these contact-tracing and social-distancing solutions came from? It’s not like they were developed and ready to roll out – the use of technology to support back-to-work strategies is unprecedented in history. Unprecedented and unpredicted: up until March we’d barely thought about shutting down; up until April we’d never considered what it would mean to open back up, and here we are in May with a veritable smorgasbord of

From zero-code to contact-tracing in under a week2024-03-26T16:26:30+00:00
  • Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment

Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment


INTRODUCTION In this series of Blogs, I explain how using digital process twins can revolutionize MRO efficiency. I discuss how the concept of the Digital Process Twin, having been perfected in assembly plants across aerospace and automotive manufacturing, is now being applied to MRO operations. The Internet of Things is a much-discussed topic, but people aren’t things, and nobody sells “smart, connected wing stands” so how do IoT concepts apply to MRO hangar

Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment2024-03-26T16:26:32+00:00
  • Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment – The MRO Digital Twin

Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment – The MRO Digital Twin


As discussed in the previous Blog, the Digital Process Twin is what we are creating in the MRO environment and to do this we need to understand how all the key pillars of MRO interact with one another to help define and monitor the process.

Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment – The MRO Digital Twin2024-03-26T16:26:32+00:00
  • Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment – The Importance of Location Context

Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment – The Importance of Location Context


I start by highlighting the missing element of many IoT implementations: the context of asset location and movement. Having highlighted the value of that additional context, I will apply that to MRO operations to understand the benefits in planning, the ability to react to issues, and consequently reduced turnaround time.

Improving Business Efficiency in an Aerospace MRO Environment – The Importance of Location Context2024-03-26T16:26:33+00:00