Welcome to the PNAA 2021 Ubisense virtual booth

We appreciate not everyone was able to visit us at PNAA 2021 virtual conference therefore we invite you find all the key information that you may have missed out.

Watch: Safe Work Zones

Ubisense tracks the real-time location and movement of both people and equipment across indoor and outdoor spaces for worker safety applications.

  • Easily define 3-dimensional safe and unsafe spaces
  • Alert workers in real-time to prevent accidents
  • Avoid collisions by automatically disabling equipment
  • Locate personnel quickly in hazardous environments
  • Record safety incidents for ongoing training

Ubisense Dimension4™ sensors have been engineered to work reliably 24/7, even in harsh industrial environments. Uncompromising performance for employee safety.

Viewing Time 1:28 mins

Watch: Process Monitor – Aerospace

Ubisense Process Monitor for Aerospace provides complete, automated, end-to-end visibility of every stage of production.

The real-time location and movement of aircraft assemblies, tooling, kits and parts are tracked using high-performance Dimension4 ultra-wideband sensors and tags.

As assemblies move into and out of defined workspaces, important location events are recorded and can be used as a trigger to update business systems, people, or machine controls.

Viewing Time 2:19 mins

Challenges We Solve

Every manual process suffers from one or more of these five common challenges. Ubisense SmartSpace was built to solve these.




Watch: Leveraging Industry 4.0 to Increase Productivity in Aerospace

Digitizing manual processes

Ubisense presented also presented at last year’s PNAA Advance 2020 annual aerospace conference in Seattle, WA. Here is a copy of our presentation on leveraging industry 4.0 to increase productivity, which received excellent reviews.