
Role of Location Tracking Technology in Industrial Worker Safety


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a staggering 4764 individuals lost their lives in 2020 due to fatal occupational injuries. While making an industrial environment risk-free is impossible, using Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) ensures workers are safer and employers have a better emergency response plan. Below, we take a look at how location-tracking technology facilitates industrial worker safety. Industrial Emergency Response Management In June 2020, a fire gutted an online sales warehouse in

Role of Location Tracking Technology in Industrial Worker Safety2024-03-26T16:26:14+00:00

Manufacturing: The key to successful IoT integration projects [French]


The new industrial revolution is now underway, boosted by digital and environmental transformation over the past decade. Accelerating the transformation and automation of production processes while developing flexibility, safety and quality is becoming essential to ensure the future of tomorrow's industry. In the webinar (linked below), you will see how this transformation is made possible thanks to personalized end-to-end support, which Orange Business Services can offer you, with its expertise (integration, data security, etc.) and

Manufacturing: The key to successful IoT integration projects [French]2024-03-26T16:26:15+00:00

(Webinar) Manufacturing: The key to successful IoT integration projects [French]


The new industrial revolution is now underway, boosted by digital and environmental transformation over the past decade. Accelerating the transformation and automation of production processes while developing flexibility, safety and quality is becoming essential to ensure the future of tomorrow's industry. In the webinar (linked below), you will see how this transformation is made possible thanks to personalized end-to-end support, which Orange Business Services can offer you, with its expertise (integration, data security, etc.) and

(Webinar) Manufacturing: The key to successful IoT integration projects [French]2024-03-26T16:26:15+00:00
  • transit yard management

Transit Yard Management in the Digital Age: The Ubisense Solution


At a time where mass transit systems are facing the burden of under-investment, increased congestion, and pressure to be green, many are operating under out-of-date models. “Clipboard and pen” methods of transit yard management need to be updated to create more comfortable working environments and a better service for passengers in a more complex working environment. This is all achievable when using a tried and tested Transit Management RTLS (Real-time Location System). New

Transit Yard Management in the Digital Age: The Ubisense Solution2024-03-26T16:26:15+00:00
  • yard management ubisense

A Quick Guide to Yard Management Systems & Software


A Quick Guide to Yard Management Systems & Software Any business that relies on managing yard assets can benefit from yard management software (YMS). This type of software streamlines and optimizes yard operations, which leads to increased efficiency and profitability. In this guide, we'll cover the following topics: What is yard management software? The challenges of yard management The impact of COVID-19 on yard management How to choose the right yard management software for

A Quick Guide to Yard Management Systems & Software2024-03-26T16:26:16+00:00
  • digital twin

Digital Twins in Manufacturing | An Introduction


Digital Twins in Manufacturing | An Introduction Most people trace the origin of Digital Twins to a speech made by Michael Grieves at the University of Michigan in 2002. In this speech he addressed all the key elements of digital twins and laid the foundation for what would become a key pillar of the Industry 4.0 movement. But it wasn’t until 2017 that digital twins began to emerge as a key technology trend. It

Digital Twins in Manufacturing | An Introduction2024-03-26T16:26:16+00:00
  • Do not judge a tracking technology by its cover

Guide for Selecting the Right Asset Tracking Technology


Guide for Selecting the Right Asset Tracking Technology Asset tracking enables the capture of real-time data about the location, movement, and status of assets. This information can provide valuable insights into processes and workflows, increasing productivity and efficiency. However, choosing the right asset-tracking technology can be daunting. With options ranging from UWB to GPS to the ubiquitous RFID, how do you know which one is right for your business? Asset tracking technologies overlap in

Guide for Selecting the Right Asset Tracking Technology2024-03-26T16:26:17+00:00
  • Ubisense sensor

How to Implement Real-Time Asset Tracking


Hypothetically, an organization could implement real-time asset tracking across all its operations. An ideal asset tracking solution would therefore track all assets, in all processes, and at all times, and the data would be used to manage, monitor, and optimize the utilization of those assets. However, there are challenges associated with implementing asset tracking solutions, including management buy-in, the cost of installing & maintaining infrastructure, the organization's asset tracking maturity, integrating data into

How to Implement Real-Time Asset Tracking2024-03-26T16:26:17+00:00

Gone in 60 seconds – thinking beyond the fixed workstation


Ever since Ransom Olds introduced the automotive assembly line in 1901, and Henry Ford the moving conveyor in 1913 we’ve pretty much been building cars the same way: cramming processes into fixed workstations. The fixed workstation is a very simple concept. Step 1: define the takt-time based on planned production volume, typically around 60 seconds for high volume. Step 2: set the line speed and workstation size to create 60s workstations. Step 3: divide

Gone in 60 seconds – thinking beyond the fixed workstation2024-03-26T16:26:28+00:00
  • It’s about time automotive manufactures replace a 70-year-old technology

It’s about time automotive manufacturers replace a 70-year-old technology


The barcode was first imagined in 1948 by Joseph Woodland, inspired by the dots and dashes of Morse code. Woodland was responding to a challenge set by a local retailer in Philadelphia, looking to find ways to speed up the process of checking-out in stores. By the 1960’s, an engineer, David Collins revived this idea and, combined with the availability of lasers, was putting thick and thin striped lines on railway cars so they

It’s about time automotive manufacturers replace a 70-year-old technology2024-03-26T16:26:28+00:00