The Challenges of Implementing an RTLS Solution (And how SmartSpace solves them…)

In today’s fast-paced manufacturing landscape, businesses are continuously seeking ways to optimize processes, increase efficiency, and reduce operational costs. One technology that has gained significant attention is Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS), which offer the promise of real-time asset tracking, improved workflow visibility, and data-driven decision-making. However, the journey to successfully implement an RTLS solution comes with its own set of challenges that manufacturers need to address in order to reap its benefits.


  1. Complexity of Sending Radio Signals Around a Manufacturing Environment

The very essence of an RTLS solution relies on radio signals to pinpoint the location of assets. While this technology has proven effective, a manufacturing environment can present significant challenges. Radio signals can be obstructed by machinery, metal structures, and even human bodies, leading to signal interference and inaccuracies. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals can clash, leading to unreliable data and signal outages, as well as security issues. This complexity demands careful planning to ensure signals can effectively traverse the manufacturing floor, leading to accurate location data.

  1. Complexity of Integrating RTLS with Current Processes

Integrating an RTLS solution into an existing manufacturing ecosystem is a complex endeavor. Manufacturers often rely on established processes and technologies that have been refined over years. Introducing a new technology like RTLS requires comprehensive integration, alignment with existing workflows, and seamless data exchange with existing systems. Ensuring a smooth transition is vital to avoid disruptions that could hinder productivity.

  1. IT Infrastructure Mismatch with RTLS Software

The successful implementation of an RTLS solution hinges on robust and compatible IT infrastructure. Sometimes, a manufacturer’s existing infrastructure may not mesh well with the demands of RTLS software. This can lead to connectivity issues, data synchronization problems, and potential security vulnerabilities. The gap between the RTLS software’s requirements and the existing infrastructure needs to be bridged effectively to ensure a stable and reliable solution.

  1. Lack of Buy-In from Employees and Managers

The adoption of new technologies often encounters resistance from both employees and managers. Change can be met with scepticism due to fear of job displacement, unfamiliarity with the technology, or concerns about a steep learning curve. Additionally, managers might hesitate due to potential disruptions during the implementation process. Generating buy-in from all stakeholders is crucial for the smooth adoption and optimal utilization of an RTLS solution.

  1. Need for Large Numbers of Sensors

For accurate asset tracking, a substantial number of sensors need to be installed across the manufacturing environment. This installation process can be time-consuming and costly, and it might also disrupt ongoing operations. Moreover, maintaining and calibrating these sensors over time adds to the management overhead. The challenge lies in efficiently deploying a network of sensors while minimizing disruptions and costs.

  1. Concerns about Ongoing Tag Battery Replacement

The technology landscape evolves rapidly, and this includes RTLS hardware. Concerns often arise regarding the ongoing replacement of tags as either batteries run flat or newer, better models are developed. Frequent tag replacement not only incurs additional costs but also disrupts operations as assets need to be retrofitted with new tags. Manufacturers need to address these concerns to ensure a sustainable and cost-effective RTLS solution.

SmartSpace by Ubisense: Solving the Challenges

Ubisense’s SmartSpace solution presents a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges of implementing an RTLS solution, making it an ideal choice for manufacturers seeking seamless integration and reliable asset tracking.

Long Battery Life and Tag Replacement

One of the significant advantages of SmartSpace’s RTLS solution is the extended battery life of its tags. Unlike many competitors, SmartSpace’s tags offer exceptional longevity, resulting in fewer tag replacements and reduced operational disruptions. This longevity not only translates to cost savings but also minimizes downtime for ongoing replacements. They are also extra durable, to ensure a long lifecycle.

UWB Technology for Complex Manufacturing Environments

Ubisense’s Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology stands out in complex manufacturing environments. Our Dimension4 sensors can accurately locate assets even in challenging conditions, such as dense machinery and reflective surfaces, ensuring consistent and reliable data. This is a critical factor for manufacturers where precise location tracking is essential for efficient operations and process optimization.

Fewer Sensors Due to Reliability and Accuracy

Ubisense’s technology boasts superior reliability and accuracy, reducing the number of sensors required for comprehensive coverage. By providing more precise location data, Ubisense optimizes the distribution of sensors, minimizing installation complexity, costs, and potential operational disruptions during the implementation phase.

Helping with Employee Buy-In

Ubisense goes beyond technology by fostering employee buy-in through comprehensive training and support programs. We understand that embracing new asset tracking systems can be challenging. That’s why we offer training sessions, intuitive interfaces, and responsive support to empower employees. This ensures a smooth transition, minimizes resistance, and maximizes the benefits of our solutions across your workforce.

Easy Integration

SmartSpace by Ubisense addresses the complexities of integrating RTLS with existing processes and IT infrastructure. Our software solution offers seamless compatibility and integration tools designed to harmonize with established workflows. By bridging the gap between current systems and RTLS technology, SmartSpace ensures a smooth transition. This results in minimal disruptions, optimal data exchange, and a streamlined implementation that maximizes the benefits of real-time asset tracking without compromising your existing operational framework.

In conclusion, while the implementation of an RTLS solution in manufacturing environments presents challenges, solutions like SmartSpace offer a comprehensive approach to overcome these hurdles. From addressing signal interference to seamless integration, SmartSpace’s intuitive software and Dimention4 sensor and tag hardware provide a robust solution that aligns with the needs of modern manufacturers. By considering these challenges and leveraging the strengths of SmartSpace, manufacturers can harness the power of RTLS to elevate their operations to new heights of efficiency and productivity.