
How to automate human tasks without creating robots


As manufacturing facilities re-start around the world, it’s clear several efficient operating practices that are almost universally adopted will be somewhat reversed, certainly in the short-term, possibly longer. Take ‘just-in-time’ or lean manufacturing for example; made famous by Toyota and popular since the 70’s, manufacturers will need to rethink their supply chains to reduce exposure to potentially disruptive events.  As an opinion piece in the FT succinctly put it this weekend; more ‘just-in-case’ than

How to automate human tasks without creating robots2024-03-26T16:26:21+00:00

Don’t Judge a Tracking Technology by its Cover


Don’t judge a book by its cover we are told, but I’ll admit that I’ve bought more than one volume based on its cover art. Those books haven’t always provided a life-changing literary experience, but what the heck? It was only a $10 gamble. An investment in location intelligence to underpin a process digitization strategy is somewhat more than a $10 proposition and selecting the right tracking technology deserves more thought than a perusal

Don’t Judge a Tracking Technology by its Cover2024-03-26T16:26:22+00:00
  • It’s about time automotive manufactures replace a 70-year-old technology

It’s about time automotive manufacturers replace a 70-year-old technology


The barcode was first imagined in 1948 by Joseph Woodland, inspired by the dots and dashes of Morse code. Woodland was responding to a challenge set by a local retailer in Philadelphia, looking to find ways to speed up the process of checking-out in stores. By the 1960’s, an engineer, David Collins revived this idea and, combined with the availability of lasers, was putting thick and thin striped lines on railway cars so they

It’s about time automotive manufacturers replace a 70-year-old technology2024-03-26T16:26:23+00:00

Gone in 60 seconds – thinking beyond the fixed workstation


Ever since Ransom Olds introduced the automotive assembly line in 1901, and Henry Ford the moving conveyor in 1913 we’ve pretty much been building cars the same way: cramming processes into fixed workstations. The fixed workstation is a very simple concept. Step 1: define the takt-time based on planned production volume, typically around 60 seconds for high volume. Step 2: set the line speed and workstation size to create 60s workstations. Step 3: divide

Gone in 60 seconds – thinking beyond the fixed workstation2024-03-26T16:26:23+00:00